New England Sheltie Rescue Adoption Application
City / State / Zip
Home Phone
Work or Cell Phone
Email Address
Have you placed an application with any other rescue group?
Yes  No
If Yes, What was their response?
Why do you wish to adopt a Sheltie?
How many dogs have you owned in the last 10 years?
What happened to them?
What role will this dog have in you life? (ie; pet, watchdog, breeding, etc)
Do you have any other animals?
Yes  No
If Yes, please list all other animals: include type, age, sex and if spayed or neutered
Do you have a veterinarian?
Yes  No
If you have a Veterinarian, what is the Name & Phone Number
Name & Phone Number of 2 References
Do you have any children living in your home (even part-time)?  
Yes  No
List the ages of each child separated by a comma  
What type of dwelling do you live in? (ie: house, condo, apartment, trailer, etc.)
Do you own your home
Yes  No
If you do NOT own your home, will your landlord allow pets?
Yes  No
Do you have a yard for the dog to use?
Yes  No
If you have a yard, is it fenced?
Yes  No
If the yard is fenced, what type of fence is it?
If the yard is NOT fenced, or you do not have a yard, how will the dog be maintained under your care while relieving itself and exercising? (ie: tied, on leash, let loose and monitored from window, etc.)
Do all adults in the house work?
Yes  No
Is someone home during the day?
Yes  No
If someone is at home during the day, who are they and when are they at home
If no one is at home during the day, what will you do with your dog?
Do you intend to keep this dog primarily indoors?
Yes  No
Where will the dog sleep? (ie: crate, dog bed, your bed, etc.)
Do you have the time and patience to housetrain a dog if it is not fully trained?
Yes  No
Do you know what a crate is?
Yes  No
Are you willing to use one with a rescue dog until it is reliable in the house?
Yes  No
Would you be willing to adopt a special needs dog? (ie: blind, sick, deaf, etc.)
Yes  No
Would you be willing to adopt an obese dog that requires measured amounts of food and exercise?
Yes  No
Would you be willing to adopt a dog with a "behavior problem" ?
Yes  No
Would you be willing to adopt an older dog?
Yes  No
If you are willing to adopt an older dog, what maximum age or age range will you consider
If you are NOT willing to adopt an older dog, what maximum age or age range will you consider
Have you ever owned a Sheltie before?
Yes  No
Are you aware of all a Shelties needs? (ie: grooming, exercising, etc.)
Yes  No
Are you aware that Shelties are barkers?
Yes  No
Do you have a color preference?
Yes  No
If you do have a color preference, what would your first choice color be?
Do you have a sex preference?
Yes  No
If you do have a sex preference, what would it be and why?
Do you have a size preference?
Yes  No
If you do have a size preference, what would it be?
Are you aware of the financial responsibilies of dog ownership? Including vet care, food, licensing, yearly shots, heartworm testing and monthly prevention, and regular grooming
Yes  No
Explain what, if any, circumstances justify giving up ownership of you dog?
Are you aware of the fees that our rescue organization charges?
Yes  No
Are you willing to allow a volunteer to do an in-home inspection?
Yes  No
Once you have adopted a dog, are you willing to allow a volunteer to do unannounced in-home visits to ensure the dog is being properly cared for?
Yes  No
 I agree that all the answers I have given are true and correct to the best of my knowledge

You may also print this form with your typed responses and mail it to:
New England Sheltie Rescue
c/o Donna Vera
274 Colburn Rd.
Canturbury, CT. 06331-1117

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